Thursday, August 25, 2011

Born At Midnight- C.C Hunter

I can not explain how much i HATED this book. It's not that the writing style was partically bad..just the story line and the characters. But mostly the characters. First of all, Kylie, the main character, was soo stupid, i found myself criticizing her OUT loud. And she asked sooo many questions. It was annoying. I couldn't see why Derek would like her. Now, i didn't finish this book because i hated it so much. I don't think it would get any better. It moved so slow, and Kylie made me want to stab out her eyes! Haha.
It took me roughly 4 days to finish half the book. That right there is a bad sign.
People may love this book...i don't see what they could love in it. It needs some work and less stupid characters.
I can't believe my mother wasted money on this for me! I feel bad haha.