Saturday, December 31, 2011

Iron Daughter-Julie Kagawa

This is the sequel to the Iron King, which is the first book in the Iron Fey series. I REALLY loved the first book, and also loved this one, til it came to the ending.

I mean, I like Ash and all, but, I like Puck more! :D I'm kinda happy that she picked Ash over Puck because now I can have him(; haha. Joking!
This book also had it's sad moments..and it's filled with so much adventure and romance and love, mainly a love triangle. Kind of...
This book kept me up til 1 in the morning to finish it, just so I could see what happens. It is a page turner, I really love this series. I'm sad that there's only 2 more books now, but, I'm really looking forward to reading them(:
If you haven't read this series, pick it up! It's amazing. And the covers of the books are amazingly gorgeous(:
I gave this book a 5/5 on goodreads. But, really, I think it deserves a 4.5, just because of Ash >.<

Monday, December 26, 2011

Iron King- Julie Kagawa

The world Kagawa creates is so amazingly beautiful. The characters are well developed, and easy to have feelings towards.

Meghan is easy to relate to, and empathize. When she is ridiculed at school, I felt bad for her, wanting everything to turn out okay. But, sadly, it didn't. I was happy she ended up being the one that Ash loved, and I was happy that she found her brother. But, in turn, her character kind of bothered me. Like the fact she was overly dramatic. Even though it's pretty much understandable, since her brother was taken. But, the fact that she only liked Scott just because of his looks, made her seem kind of shallow.
Puck (Robbie) Was one of my favorite characters. I loved his wit. He seemed like someone easy to get along with, and he was humorous and fun. I kinda felt like he felt something for Meghan, and that made me kind of sad and jealous! I don't know why I felt jealous, I guess I just wanted him for myself! I was kinda sad also because, I personally thought that Meghan lacked the personality that Puck had, and they didn't seem to match.
Ash, I had a love hate relationship with Ash. I loved him because well, he seemed so amazing looking! Not trying to seem shallow, but, I liked his mysteriousness. And, I loved his love towards Meghan, and eagerness to protect her. Even though his main goal in the beginning was to kill her.
Grimalkin! I loved that cat(: he reminded me somewhat of Yoda. Don't ask me why! He was just wise, and funny. It was also fun that he was a cat. (:
Overall, this book was so amazing. I loved every page, every word. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Forgive My Fins-Tera Lynn Childs

I love a good mermaid story. It brings me back to childhood. I especially like when there's a little bit of romance added in.

Lily Sanderson is a mermaid princess, and she attends a school on land. She was sent to live with her aunt, but after a while of living on shore, her crush doesn't like her back, and her neighbor is a total 'blowfish', she decides she wants to go back home to her underwater palace. She has to tell the boy, her neighbor, who is a huge pain in the tail fin, that she is a mermaid. It turns out that he likes her, and'll have to read to find out.
The part I hated was how shallow Lily was. She only liked Brody for his good looks, and popularity. I really loved that she and Quinn worked out, because, I secretly found him cute, and charming.
Childs creates a very creative underwater world, that I think would appeal to anyone with an interest in fantasy. I give this book an overall 5/5

Sunday, December 18, 2011

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

This book was so cute, and sad. I loved that Mia talked about all the experiences in her life, around what she wasexperiencing during her accident. And the end was such a cliff hanger, I need more!
Mia gets in a car accident with her parents and brother, and I am assuming everyone else is dead, but I don't really know. She sees herself in the ditch, and is pretty much having an 'out of body experience' and no one can see her, or hear her. This book was so well paced, and had a great message. I give it 5/5 stars (: Can't wait to read Where She Went.