Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Forgive My Fins-Tera Lynn Childs

I love a good mermaid story. It brings me back to childhood. I especially like when there's a little bit of romance added in.

Lily Sanderson is a mermaid princess, and she attends a school on land. She was sent to live with her aunt, but after a while of living on shore, her crush doesn't like her back, and her neighbor is a total 'blowfish', she decides she wants to go back home to her underwater palace. She has to tell the boy, her neighbor, who is a huge pain in the tail fin, that she is a mermaid. It turns out that he likes her, and'll have to read to find out.
The part I hated was how shallow Lily was. She only liked Brody for his good looks, and popularity. I really loved that she and Quinn worked out, because, I secretly found him cute, and charming.
Childs creates a very creative underwater world, that I think would appeal to anyone with an interest in fantasy. I give this book an overall 5/5